Feb 18, 2011

A Letter to Zimbabwe

Dear Mama Ape,

Life in Malaysia is great. I'm having a good time jumping here and there. Its really not the same back in Zimbabwe, i mean, the weather and all is totally different. Really warm and cozy out here and rain pour down almost everyday. But i do feel like home except for the fact that i keep falling down from the tree cause its too slippery. Felt awkward at first cause Malaysian are a big fan of apes hence been followed by paparazzi everywhere i went. Just like in Zimbabwe, only the different is they carrying a camera instead of sling gun.

Ouh, the good thing is, they gave me food instead of trying to catch me and turn me into some exotic dishes. By the way i heard from Facebook that our neighbours has been killed and his brain has been sucked out by hunters, is that true? So really sorry to hear that. Send my regard to Uncle Chimpanzee. His sons was a very god chimp.

I think that's all for now. I really enjoy staying here so I'm planning not to go back so soon. Give Daddy Ape a good hugs and kisses for me will ya?

Your son,

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