Oct 18, 2008

Between Immortality and Time Machine

`Hey, what its like if you happens to be immortal?

What? Hell no. Why would you think i want to be immortal?

`Why not?

Cause it would mean nothing to me, stupid. Whats the point of living when you lost your adrenalin rush knowing that you would live long enough to do almost everything? Besides, i doubt it you would be happy in a million years.

I'm certainly don't like watching my grandson grow older than me and die before my eyes. Plus all of the people you know and care about were long gone, you'll end up being alone like a complete idiot.

But, if i been given a choice, i prefer to have a time machine cause i have missed to much of a good moment in my life and repair some of those unlikely time behind or change things that i regret the most.

I mean, whats the worst things could happen by having a time machine? Maybe someday you open up your lil' brother or sister history book and find my picture sitting right besides Tunku Abdul Rahman in Stadium Merdeka.

Maybe i can give a personal touch on Oliver Wright's plane or telescoping through out the solar system with Galileo. Or maybe Einstein will have a new friend to have lunch with or perhaps, instead of painting Monalisa, Da Vinci would make a painting out of me.

err.. maybe Hang Jebat wouldn't have to die.


tHe anIMateD bIJaN said...

nak naik time machine.. jgn lupa ajak aku.. aku sgt2 nk benda tu..

Haidar said...

ok..bg nama and no ic..
limit dua org ja..

Alyn Tahir said...

if ur immortal, u'd lose appreciation...

Haidar said...


dila raden said...

update la link aku, bodo

aku buat picture link utk korang semua. ada satu untuk hang.


kalau tak suka, tolong kasi suggestion lain