Jan 18, 2011

Not Preoccupy Enough

Darn, unfortunately, my Facebook account has been infected by a flies/virus or whatever the geeky call it that prevented you from logging on into your account until you manage to scan and kick it out of your PC.


One of the method to verify that your the legitimate user of the account is to identify your friends picture. To my great benefit i happened to have friends that cleverly tagged their friend with a picture of shoes, clothes and stuff. Nicely done.

As a social networks geek i am, i ended up writing (again) in this blog that I've left in my trash hold for more then a year without having any idea of what to write.

Smell you later.



stupid fb..

i tot that the best invention for networking..they won so many awards even..huuuu..

we fix it later k..=)

Haidar said...

so fuffing stufid :)

Sabrina said...

oh setelah sekian lama. akhirnya chicken soup for the soul muncul juga di reader! haha

Haidar said...

hahhaha,..bz yg amat sgt..:)